Be a Stagetext Ambassador

We are a deaf-led charity that champions captions and subtitles for live events and online content in the arts. Our staff and board members include deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people who love the arts. This also extends to our volunteers or as we call them, Ambassadors.

So, what’s an Ambassador?

Ambassadors are volunteers who help support our work and are the voice of arts-loving caption and subtitle users across the UK. Our Ambassador group includes deaf, deafened and hard of hearing audience members from across the UK, but we know other people find this kind of access beneficial, so we welcome people who use captions and subtitles for any reason.

What is involved?

Our Ambassadors work predominantly online and attend ambassador meetings to share their views and help shape our work. Meetings are held around three times a year and include members of Stagetext’s team and other Ambassadors from across the UK.

We may occasionally invite you to events run by Stagetext, either in your local area or further afield. Also, we would love you to talk about Stagetext in your local area, sharing our work with other caption users and local venues.

This voluntary role is flexible, and you can take part in as much as suits your availability. This could include sharing our work on social media, giving us a quote for a press release, or talking to local groups about the work we do and the benefits of captions and subtitles.

If you’d like to know more about being an Ambassador, download the role description.

Download role description

Request a talk for your group or orgnisation

If you’re part of a group or an arts organisation who would like to find out more about Stagetext and audiences who use captions and subtitles, one of our Ambassadors can come and talk to you. Contact us for more information.

Contact us


How Stagetext got started

Find out how three friends with varying types of deafness and a shared love of theatre, set out to change the world of access to the arts for deaf, deafened and hard of hearing audiences.


Find out more

“It would be difficult for me to describe the feeling, except to say that it gives me such pleasure to be a part of what‘s happening, to laugh at the same time as everyone else, to react at the same time as everyone else, and to leave my puzzled face and expressions at home because I can now follow everything that’s happening on stage.”

Vivienne - Caption User

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