
Theatre Access 2023 report

Theatre Access 2023 report

The State of Theatre Access reports have been produced every two years since 2017. These reports aim to identify what access services are offered by theatres in the UK and how they remove barriers for theatregoers.

Three access organisations, VocalEyesStagetext and the Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE), worked with a team of volunteer researchers with lived experience. The team recorded access information provided (or not provided) on the websites of professional theatres across the UK. The 2023 data was collated and summarised in the State of Theatre Access 2023.

‘These reports are a great resource for access organisations, audiences, and venues, giving a snapshot of publicised access provision across the UK. This information helps to target support and services in the areas needing improvement, as well as celebrate successes. It’s vital that access is embedded in the arts in the UK, so we will continue to advocate for change and promote best practice. I would like to thank everyone involved in the production of the 2023 report, particularly all the volunteers involved.’ – Claire Saddleton, CEO VocalEyes.

The 2023 report

The data collected in April and May 2023 came from a total of 465 venues that listed professional arts performances on their websites. The data provided in the survey is arranged following a theatregoer’s journey in planning and executing a theatre visit, including steps from finding out what’s on to moving around a venue.

Highlights from the State of Theatre Access 2023 are:

  • While the number of venues who list professional arts performances on their website has decreased from 659 in 2017 to 465 venues in 2023, it’s positive to note that the number of accessible productions has increased to 85% of those surveyed.
  • 85% of the websites offered additional access information, including how to get to the venue and the venue layout
  • 15% of the venues’ websites didn’t provide any access information at all
  • 5% of UK theatres offered filmed performances streamed online, however, only 31% of those performances offered any type of access

For more on the findings included in the 2023 report, download the full report below.

State of Theatre Access 2023 PDF

State of Theatre Access 2023 large print Word

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