Celebrating Our 21st Anniversary
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After cancelling our 20th anniversary plans due to the pandemic, in November 2021 we were able to get some of the most important people in Stagetext’s past and present to come together to raise a glass, enjoy some speeches, and celebrate our 21st birthday.
We’d like that everyone who could join us, those who supported us from afar, any everyone who sent us birthday wishes.

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis

Stagetext Exhibition at The Barbican . CREDIT Geraint Lewis