Get Involved this Captioning Awareness Week

Captioning Awareness Week 2022.
During Captioning Awareness Week 2022, we put customer experience in the spotlight and asked you to recommend the venues you love. We know there is still work to do but there are lots of theatres and venues who go above and beyond to give deaf, deafened and hard of hearing audiences the best possible experience.
Whether it’s the quality of the venue’s access, the number of captioned shows they put on, how clear the information on their website is, or the staff’s deaf awareness, we asked you to tell us which venues to put in the Spotlight.
Nominations are still open and the venue with the most compelling nomination will be our first Spotlight Venue. Everyone who submits a recommendation will be entered to our Spotlight draw to win £50 of Theatre Tokens. Nominate now. Watch this space for which venue will become our first Spotlight Venue.
Our touring exhibition, Captions Speak Louder, was hosted by The Mayflower MAST Studio in Southampton. Find out more about the tour and where we are headed next.
Also in the 2022 campaign, we asked venues to think about the quality of experience they offer to deaf, deafened and hard of hearing audiences. We invited professionals working in arts and cultural organisations to a series of events, where we shared the knowledge and resources that could help them offer better access. Find out more.
We also teamed up with Scenesaver, an online hub where you can watch over 140 subtitled performances.