Calamity Jane
Wolverhampton Grand Theatre
Captioned by Stagetext
11 Sep 2025, 7:30 pm
Wolverhampton Grand Theatre
Captioned by Stagetext
11 Sep 2025, 7:30 pm
Marlowe Theatre
Captioned by Stagetext
29 May 2025, 2:30 pm
Trafalgar Theatre
Captioned by Stagetext
22 May 2025, 2:30 pm
Nottingham Theatre Royal
Captioned by Stagetext
29 Mar 2025, 2:30 pm
Nottingham Theatre Royal
Captioned by Stagetext
17 Apr 2025, 7:30 pm
Apollo Shaftesbury Avenue
Captioned by Stagetext
26 Apr 2025, 2:30 pm
Stagetext welcomes its newest board members, Ben Glover and Sally Yarwood. Ben is a deaf video designer and creative captioner, bringing a wealth of creativity and industry knowledge with him. Sally is a returning board member, with a long career in finance and a passion for access to the arts. We believe it’s important to … Continued
Captioned in house by SohoPlace
5 Apr 2025, 2:30 pm
During Deaf Awareness Week 2024 we want you to think about inclusivity. How can you make sure your venue can be loved and trusted by deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people In order to create something helpful that would still be useful outside of Deaf Awareness Week, we came up with a list of … Continued
For Captioning Awareness Week, Scenesaver are encouraging all creatives to share footage of work with subtitles, even if just for a limited time. With over 30 productions available on their site, including Shakespeare, one-women shows, comedy, and family productions, there’s sure to be something for you! Scensaver is a online hub where you can watch performances … Continued
Michelle Hedley, a member Stagetext’s User Panel, writes an open letter to theatres about the positioning of caption units, and how it makes all the difference to the audience. “I first discovered the magical world of Stagetext back in 2011 after a chance tweet from an actor who had taken a photo of the caption … Continued
Stagetext are thrilled to see that all of the winning theatre and musical productions at this year’s Olivier Awards offered captioned performances or have captioned productions in their upcoming schedule. This is a good increase on 2018 where 90% of winners were captioned. The winning productions, which are either captioned by Stagetext or by trained … Continued