Search Results for G

Olivia Durkin

“I studied Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds. I’ve always had a passion for theatre. Ranging from in-house projects for the Courtyard Theatre and with Interactive Theatre International on their show Faulty Towers: The Dining Experience. “I’m 50% deaf, so working with Stagetext towards full access for deaf audiences is a great … Continued

Do hearing people find captions distracting?

Occasionally, some hearing people are concerned that the captions will be distracting. However, we regularly receive feedback from audiences who, on the whole, either find the captions useful (for example, they help with difficult accents, and help you catch the odd word you may miss here and there) or are able to enjoy the production … Continued

Hannah Evans

“I moved from Wales to London to study Moving Image at the University of the Arts and never left. My passion for theatre has grown over the years and it’s through theatre that I met my fiancé. I count myself as a regular theatre goer and do rely on Stagetext to fully immerse into the … Continued

Meet Betty: Running the Brighton Marathon for Stagetext

We’re excited to introduce you to Betty Encinales, our incredible runner who’s taking on the Brighton Marathon 2025 for Stagetext! When she’s not conquering mountains (yes, she’s climbed Kilimanjaro!) or matching talent with dream jobs as a Global Corporate Talent Acquisition Partner, Betty brings more than just her running shoes to this challenge – she … Continued

Stagetext CEO featured in Create Diversity

We’re thrilled to announce that Melanie Sharpe, Stagetext’s CEO is featured in Create Diversity, a new resource from Creative UK spotlighting the incredible EDI work happening in the Cultural and Creative Industries. In a first-of-its-kind project, Creative UK has collated case studies from organisations and institutions across the sector, each one demonstrating what good EDI practice … Continued

Christine Hathway

My background is working in backstage and administrative roles in theatre and outdoor arts. Through that work I was lucky to come across Stagetext at the same time as I was starting to lose my hearing. As an audience member, theatre captioning has been a lifeline for me and I’m passionate about spreading the word … Continued

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