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Take a tour of our new What’s On page

We’re really excited about our new website and we hope you can find all the exciting captioned and subtitled events we have lined up. To help you navigate the new site, our Programme Systems Manager, Oliver Webster, is here to give you a tour of our new What’s On page. This video will show you … Continued

Privacy Policy

Our commitments to you: We will only collect, keep, and use Personal Data for business purposes which are outlined on this page, or if we’re legally required to do so. We will continue to be clear and open on what Personal Data we collect and how it will be processed. For as long as we … Continued

Theatre Access 2021 report published

Between May and August 2021, VocalEyes, Stagetext and the Centre for Accessible Environments ran a survey of UK theatregoers who use access facilities, services or support. Over 500 people responded and shared their views on a range of other factors that would influence their decision to return to theatres. They also told us about their experiences of digital … Continued

Theatre Access 2023 report

The State of Theatre Access reports have been produced every two years since 2017. These reports aim to identify what access services are offered by theatres in the UK and how they remove barriers for theatregoers. Three access organisations, VocalEyes, Stagetext and the Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE), worked with a team of volunteer researchers with lived experience. The … Continued

Help us build our archive

Stagetext is 21 Years Old in November! Celebrate with us and help us build our archive We are incredibly proud of all the performances and events we’ve made accessible over the years, and we couldn’t have done it without all our fantastic supporters, users, staff, volunteers and clients involved with Stagetext over the years. The … Continued

Audience Access Alliance call on UK arts venues to build back for all

Stagetext urges industry to check reopening plans against 10-point checklist to ensure deaf, disabled and neurodivergent audiences are not left behind. Stagetext is today joining the call on the UK’s theatres, museums, galleries, and other arts venues, to check their reopening plans against a 10-point checklist published by the cross-sector Audience Access Alliance. The Audience … Continued

Deaf Awareness Week 2021

This year Deaf Awareness Week is focusing on ‘Coming Through it Together’ and throughout the week the online campaign will engage and encourage people to celebrate d/Deafness, raise awareness of best practice and use the week for demonstrating change and positivity. We wanted to take this week to highlight everything we can do to help … Continued

Stagetext Receives Grant as part of the Culture Recovery Fund

Stagetext are among more than 2,700 recipients to benefit from the latest round of the government’s Culture Recovery Fund. This award will help us support venues in supplying access to d/Deaf, deafened and hard of hearing audiences as they return to venues. Stagetext has received a grant of £32.5k from the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture … Continued

Enjoy performances from smaller venues with Scenesaver

Live theatre can be absolutely amazing – a wonderful spectacle to experience – but just missing a few wordsfrom a performance and mean you lose a huge amount. Scenesaver brings you their free to use, theatre streaming site showing a great selection of subtitled performances from offwestend and small venues across the world. There are … Continued

Online Event | Join us for a coffee and discover online events

Slice yourself a piece of cake, pour some coffee, and join us online to find out all about Stagetext and how we’re making events accessible during the lockdown. Are you missing out on seeing theatre shows, museum tours, or talks? We’re inviting you to join us and discover how you can watch shows and attend … Continued

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