Henry Cyril Paget was one of the world’s wealthiest men, until he lost it all by being too damn fabulous.
The 5th Marquis of Anglesey blew his family’s colossal fortune on diamond frocks, lilac-dyed poodles and putting on simply amazing plays – to which nobody came – causing a very Edwardian scandal. His fabulous flame burned brightly, briefly and extremely cross-dressingly until he died at just 29, after which his outraged family destroyed every record of him ever having had existed. Now Henry’s back to tell his regrettable cautionary tale, with nothing to his name but savage wit, banging belters and a metric tonne of sparkle.
This fierce and tragi-gorgeous comedy musical is a true story about expectations, masculinity, privilege and failure on an epic scale. It’s about feeling desperately weird and alone, but knowing that to fit in would cost you everything.
How To Win Against History was the solid gold, diamante-studded hit of Edinburgh Fringe 2016, widely acclaimed by the critics and winner of The Stage Edinburgh Award and Broadway Baby Bobby. Now Bristol Old Vic and The Olivier Award-winning Producers of Kathy and Stella Solve a Murder!, Fleabag and Baby Reindeer are bringing it back in a new production: bigger and more sparkly than ever for 2025, marking the 150th anniversary of Paget’s birth.
He’s having a bit of a moment, and you’re all invited to his fabulous party.
How To Win Against History
