Performed by Plympton Academy
Set in the near future, a group of young people live as a feral group of techno-savvy fugitives, living off-the land which is a rubbish dump.
They stay out of sight of the authorities, particularly the education authorities who are desperate to get them back into school because the optics are not good.
However, school has lost its allure. When the young people are in school they are overlooked and underestimated – seen as being more trouble than they are worth. So now, for this group, school’s out forever.
Siân Owen was born and raised in Newport, South Wales and is a graduate of the MA Writing for Performance Programme at Goldsmiths College. Her play Restoration won the Oxford Playhouse New Writing Competition. She has been part of the Sherman Cymru Advanced Writers Group, the Royal Court Studio Group and the BBC Writers Group-Welsh Voices. She is currently on attachment at the National Theatre and under commission from Box of Tricks Theatre Company and Papertrail. Previous theatre credits include additional material for Under Milk Wood (National Theatre) How to Be Brave (Dirty Protest) and This Land (Pentabus). For radio: Another Place (BBC Cymru Wales/Radio 4) Pieces (BBC Cymru Wales/Radio 4) and Pride and Prejudice (Audible).
The Periodicals
Connctions 2024
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